Clearing Up 6 Myths About Ductless AC Systems

Ductless systems are a modern alternative to the standard furnace and air conditioner combination. While these convenient mini-split systems have recently gained popularity among homeowners, many myths about their potential pros and cons are still circulating. Here’s the truth about several common ductless AC system myths in Quitman, GA:

Ductless Systems Are Too Noisy

Decades ago, air conditioners and mini-splits had a reputation for being too noisy. Fortunately, modern variable-speed blowers have made today’s systems much quieter. Old systems could only turn on or off, meaning they were only able to run at maximum speed every time you needed cool air.

Newer systems can run at slower speeds to more efficiently maintain your temperature over time. This means they don’t make as much noise when they activate. Variable-speed blowers are another key reason behind a mini-split system’s superior efficiency.

They Require Excessive Expert Maintenance

Ductless mini-splits also have a reputation for requiring frequent professional maintenance. In reality, these advanced systems need the same amount of professional care as a traditional system. You’ll have no issue regularly switching out your air filters or monitoring the mini-split for problems.

Your service technician will easily be able to access your system’s indoor and outdoor components. Since you’ll receive your heating and cooling from the same mini-split, you’ll only have to schedule tuneups for one HVAC system rather than two. Annual expert care boasts many great perks, like improved comfort and lower monthly energy costs.

They Can’t Heat or Cool the Home Evenly

Another common misconception is that your mini-split won’t be able to evenly heat or cool your house. In practice, these systems offer superior zoning capabilities.

A mini-split is just as effective as a traditional HVAC system. The only difference is that a ductless system utilizes individual air handlers rather than an extensive ductwork system. By installing a handler in each of your home’s major rooms, you’ll have the power to effortlessly control the temperature of your key living spaces.

Mini-Splits Don’t Benefit Air Quality

You may have heard that mini-splits don’t filter the air or can’t improve your air quality. The truth is that each of your system’s handlers has an air filter that stops allergens and dust from circulating. Generally, their filters need cleaning every couple of months.

Mini-split handlers also have internal air blowers that prevent moisture from accumulating on the heat exchanger. This minimizes your risk of dealing with microbial growth.

Installation Costs Are Less Than Traditional Systems

Your overall mini-split installation cost is heavily impacted by your home’s floor plan and how many handlers you need. Smaller homes won’t require as many handlers, which will lower your labor fees. Larger structures, however, will need more handlers to ensure complete temperature control, which will cost you more.

Installing a ductless system involves making small holes in your walls to connect the indoor and outdoor units. Your technician will run electrical wires, drainage pipes and refrigerant through these incisions. It’s best to get a full mini-split installation quote before committing to the service.

They’re Only Used in New Homes

Ductless systems are excellent options for any home that needs flexible heating and cooling. They’re ideal for well-insulated, older properties that don’t have ductwork. Due to their noninvasive installation process, they won’t harm your property’s delicate structural integrity.

You should also consider investing in a mini-split if you’re adding new rooms to your home. These systems can provide indoor comfort control in hard-to-reach areas like your basement or attic. Don’t forget to keep ductless systems in mind if you’re looking for cost-effective ways to heat or cool your detached in-law suite or shed.

Modern mini-split systems offer many amazing cost, comfort and flexibility benefits. Trust our experienced team of HVAC pros to deliver money-saving dealer specials as well as great manufacturer rebates. Call Waller Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule your premier ductless AC installation in Quitman, GA.

Image provided by iStock

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