How to Protect Yourself from a Winter Heating Breakdown

While you can’t prevent every winter heating breakdown, you can take several steps that dramatically minimize the chances. Keep reading to learn specific things you can do to give your heating system in Adel, GA, the best chance of keeping your family warm until the spring.

Don’t Do Your Own Heating Repairs

If you know your heating system needs repairs this winter, don’t try them yourself because you want to save money or not wait on a service technician. Heating systems have complex hardware inside that requires professional training and tools, and you might create even more problems than you already have to deal with. Even if you’re a DIY master in many other aspects of home ownership, leaving HVAC repairs to the professionals is safer for your family and home.

Be Mindful of Your System

Not all HVAC breakdowns are sudden surprises, and they give off many warning signs that you should be constantly alert about. Specific examples include yellow pilot lights, cold spots in your home, constant patterns of cycling on and off, weak airflow, unpleasant smells and strange noises from your HVAC system. If you notice these quickly enough, you might be able to get a service technician in to identify and address issues before they result in a total shutdown of your system.

Let Your HVAC Take a Break

When it gets colder outside, your family might get tempted to raise the thermostat to warm up your entire home as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, that puts a lot of strain on your system and might not even work. Reduce system strain by keeping a consistent thermostat and having everyone bundle up appropriately with warm clothes and heavier bedding.

Schedule Regular Maintenance Service

When you have professional heating installation, you should receive information about recommended maintenance. Some items on your checklist might be things you can do at home, but there’s no getting around regular service calls where a service technician visits to review your system and restore it to optimal condition. Professional service results in better system performance, improved air quality, peace of mind and savings over time.

Don’t Ignore Puddles

If you notice puddles around your home’s heater, you might have a clog somewhere in the system’s condensate drain line. That’s a cause for immediate response, and you need a technician to find and fix the issue promptly before your home suffers serious damage. A condensate drain line clog might result in ceiling leaks, damaged drywall or even electrical fires, and a slimy condensate drain pan might pollute the air inside your home that your family is constantly breathing.

Get a Programmable Thermostat

Have a service technician install a programmable thermostat. Modern HVAC systems usually work their best when set for a consistent temperature, so find the one that works for your family and leave it there while everyone is home. Programming options let you set lower temperatures when people are out for the day or when they leave overnight, and automated settings mean the system isn’t constantly switched up and down.

Know When to Replace Your System

At some point, replacing your HVAC system will make more financial sense than continually patching up your old one, and that gets truer as your older system deteriorates in terms of efficiency and performance level. Older systems aren’t just more likely to have issues, as they will also lack the technology and innovations the industry has developed since your last installation. Always consider the actual age of your system versus the presumed life expectancy so you can estimate how many years the system might have left and start planning for a new system on your terms.

Proper maintenance and constant mindfulness about your HVAC system can help you avoid many breakdowns in the coldest months. Maintenance and vigilance are great habits to practice, but you also need reliable professionals to call when you need service and maintenance. Contact Waller Heating & Air Conditioning for all your heating repairs.

Image provided by iStock

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