5 Tips for Choosing the Best Geothermal HVAC Installer

Geothermal HVAC systems can reach high efficiency levels. But you must have yours installed properly to ensure that happens. Here are five tips for choosing the best geothermal HVAC installer in Quitman, GA, so you can ensure your system operates efficiently:

Experience Is Key

When looking for the best geothermal HVAC installer in Quitman, you need someone who understands the geothermal arena and not just HVAC. The system contractor should be knowledgeable and experienced in the very technical installation process.

Be sure to ask the potential installers about the number of systems they have installed in the past. If possible, request customer references and read testimonials or online reviews.

Since geothermal HVAC installation typically involves drilling and trenching for the ground loop, it helps to view photos of completed installations so you can visualize how the process may impact your landscaping and outdoor space. Additionally, it can give you an idea of the quality of workmanship and attention to detail of the installer.

License Requirements

Authorities in the HVAC industry often certify reputable geothermal HVAC system installers to ensure they meet certain standards of competency, professionalism and quality of workmanship. One example is the Internal Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA), a nonprofit organization and authority in the ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology for heating, cooling and water heating applications.

Apart from certification from organizations like IGSHPA, geothermal HVAC installers should also have other licenses such as:

  • Contractor’s license as required by the state.
  • Mechanical license as required by the state.
  • EPA Section 608 Certification for HVAC technicians working with refrigerants.
  • Geothermal heat pump installer certification from certification programs.

Some installers also have an electrical license, or a licensed electrician employs them to perform electrical work relating to HVAC installations. In other cases where geothermal HVAC involves water supply or drainage components, the installer must possess a plumbing license.

Inquire About the Available Warranties

A geothermal HVAC system represents a significant investment, so ensure that the installer offers warranties or guarantees on both the installation and the equipment. A warranty provides assurance that the installer stands behind the quality of their workmanship and the performance of the system. It also offers peace of mind knowing that if any issues arise with the installation or the equipment during the warranty period, the installer will address them promptly and at no additional cost to you.

Determine the type of warranty offered by the company or installer for the installation as well as the length of warranty coverage, what it covers and other details about it. If extended warranty options are available, ask about the terms and conditions that go with them.

Remember that the warranty does not cover all components as it may only apply to the heat pump. Therefore, be aware of the limitations, including whether the manufacturer of the geothermal equipment or the HVAC company itself provides the warranty.

You should also inquire if the installer provides maintenance plans to ensure the condition and performance of the system. For example, will the installer check and troubleshoot the system if you encounter any issues right after the installation or during a specific period?

Ask More Questions

Before you hire the geothermal HVAC specialist, allocate some time to conduct an interview where you can ask questions. Some questions to ask include their certifications or licenses and financial guarantees like surety bonds and insurance.

The installer must also tell you what they will use to measure for the geothermal system. It helps to ask how they will deal with the soil if they find problems. Don’t forget to inquire about the permits and building permissions required before the installation can commence.

Clear and Professional Communication

Effective communication with the installer lets you know that the contractor understands your needs and preferences as the customer. It helps ensure that the system design meets your requirements while also educating and informing you of the costs, considerations and benefits associated with the system.

Clear and transparent communication builds trust and confidence, establishing a positive working relationship. It is also easier to clarify expectations regarding the installer’s scope of work and responsibilities.

At Waller Heating & Air Conditioning, we have a team of expert service technicians who can install your geothermal HVAC system so you can have a comfortable and sustainable home all year-round, so call today. We’re happy to assist you with your HVAC service needs.

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