3 Cooling Options for Your Sunroom in Madison, FL

Lounging in your sunroom is a wonderful way to enjoy the spring and summer weather without the insects. Unfortunately, while these beautiful spaces offer many perks, they’re not known for their great energy efficiency. Here are a few options for cooling your sunroom in Madison, FL:

Expand Current HVAC Ductwork

For heating and cooling your sunroom, consider extending your current central HVAC ducts and vents. This is the best way to ensure consistent temperature control that doesn’t have a huge impact on your energy bills. Make sure to bring in an expert to confirm if your current HVAC equipment can cover another room.

Window Air Conditioners Aren’t the Best

Portable air conditioners are the easiest sunroom cooling option. However, while they’re inexpensive and easy to use, they’re not connected to your central AC system. You’ll have to manually control the unit when you want to use your sunroom.

Additionally, these units have their own maintenance and filter needs. Depending on your environment, you may also have to remove them seasonally.

Install a Ductless AC System

If your HVAC system can’t handle the load of cooling a new room, opt for a ductless mini-split. These versatile systems won’t block windows or take up too much wall space. Mini-splits utilize an outdoor compressor and one or more indoor air handlers.

These flexible comfort systems provide ideal temperature control in spaces like your sunroom and garage. They’re efficient, quiet and boast low monthly utility costs. Rather than a wall-mounted thermostat, most mini-splits use convenient remote controls. Ductless AC systems are a much better option than window air conditioners.

Contact Waller Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your residential AC installation in Madison, FL, today. We carry and install various systems for cooling your sunroom and the rest of your house efficiently.

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