Can I Install a Heat Pump Myself in Lakeland, GA?

You should never attempt to install a heat pump yourself. The number of dangers and inconveniences to which ordinary homeowners in Lakeland, GA, would expose themselves to if they tried to do this is enormous. Here are a few reasons installing your own heat pump is a bad idea:

Incorrect Heat Pump Installation

Heat pumps are complex systems that demand significant knowledge and technical expertise to install correctly. In all probability, you don’t have this expertise and would be better off in the hands of a trained HVAC service technician.

If you insist on doing things on your own, you may end up installing a heat pump of the wrong size, which may begin exhibiting strange behavior like short cycling. Also, there’s a chance that you’ll hook up the electrical wiring improperly and risk an electrical fire. It’s better to trust the pros and avoid such things.

Increase in Repair and Maintenance Costs

You may go into DIY installation with the idea that you’ll save money by taking care of everything on your own. However, such a plan may backfire very easily.

If complications arise with your system from any mistakes you made during DIY installation, you’ll probably need to pay trained service technicians to fix them. If the root of such issues lies in an improper installation, it may be more difficult for service technicians to resolve them than it would be otherwise. Service technicians who have more to do during repairs or maintenance will probably charge you more money for their services.

Voided HVAC System Warranty

Heat pumps come with manufacturer’s warranties. Still, manufacturers understandably don’t want to risk covering the difficulties that may arise from DIY installation. There’s no good reason to void your warranty this way.

You don’t need to do everything on your own. If you live around Lakeland, GA, call Waller Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule heat pump services today.

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