Should Furnaces in Adel, GA, Leak Water?

If you notice your furnace starting to leak water, it’s a concern you shouldn’t ignore. Here are a few possible explanations for why furnaces in Adel, GA, might leak water:

Bad Humidifier Filters

The purpose of a humidifier in a furnace is to absorb moisture from the air, let your furnace process it and then return warm, humidified air into your home. However, if the humidifier is old or dirty, this process can go awry, causing water to leak out. If this happens, schedule a furnace repair to fix the issue immediately.

Broken Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger is a shield that separates your furnace’s combustion chamber from the blower that sends hot air into your ducts and distributes it around your house. If the heat exchanger cracks or sustains any kind of damage, your furnace could release condensation as a consequence, and that may cause a leak. Carbon monoxide could also leak out through your vents if your heat exchanger cracks, making it more critical to invest in heating repairs.

Blocked Drain Line

Lastly, the reasons for your leaky furnace may actually be due to something outside of the system itself. Your furnace should expel the water that accumulates inside of it from condensation and other sources through your drain line, but if that line is faulty or clogged in any way, this won’t happen. In this case, you’ll have to ask professionals to come and clean your drain line.

While furnace leaks may be unfortunate and annoying, they are things that professional service technicians who have the right skills can fix. It’s essential to keep your furnace running properly this winter. Call Waller Heating & Air Conditioning and ask for our furnace services. We’ll make sure that you’re able to stay warm without overpaying for it.

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