5 Tips for Reducing Air Conditioning Strain in Valdosta, GA

Keeping your Valdosta, GA, home cool during the summer is a must, but running your air conditioner constantly can strain your system and your wallet. Here are a few simple things you can do to help your air conditioning system work efficiently and keep you cool without straining it:

Seal the Leaks

Air leaks around windows and doors allow hot outdoor air to sneak into your home and force your AC system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. Seal these leaks with caulk or weatherstripping to keep cool air in and hot air out.

Don’t forget about hidden leaks. Check around attic hatches and dryer vents for any gaps that need sealing.

Embrace the Shade

Direct sunlight streaming through your windows heats your home and makes your AC system work overtime. Block the sun’s rays with curtains or blinds. You can also consider strategically planting trees or shrubs to provide shade for your home.

Program Your Thermostat

There’s no need to keep your home freezing when you’re not there. Invest in a programmable thermostat and adjust the temperature settings to be a few degrees warmer when you’re away or asleep.

Smart thermostats can even learn your routines. Once they do, they can adjust temperatures automatically so that you can enjoy major convenience and energy savings.

Change Your Air Filter Regularly

A clogged air filter restricts airflow through your AC system, making it work harder and less efficiently. Replace your air filter every one to three months. The frequency of filter changes will depend on how many people and pets you have in your home.

Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

Your AC system needs regular maintenance to make sure that it continues to operate smoothly. A licensed HVAC service technician can inspect your system and check for potential problems. Regular maintenance can also help prevent breakdowns and help extend the lifespan of your air conditioner.

By following these simple tips, you can reduce the strain on your air conditioner and enjoy a cooler and more comfortable summer. Call Waller Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your AC repairs and make sure your system is operating efficiently.

Image provided by iStock

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