3 Ways Your HVAC System Impacts Sleep Quality in Adel, GA

When discussing sleep disruptions in Adel, GA, and across the nation, experts typically don’t include HVAC systems. However, you’ll now discover three ways in which HVAC systems can disrupt sleep when you don’t maintain the equipment regularly.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor air quality can cause a whole host of health problems, such as respiratory infections and allergies. If you fail to schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC system, chances are high that it’s not properly filtering the contaminants in your home’s environment that significantly reduce air quality. Change your filter every 30-90 days to help it do so.

Humidity Impacts Sleep

Too high or too low humidity can impact your sleep. Humidity that’s too low can cause sore throats and nose bleeds, and high humidity can make you feel clammy. Increased moisture in the air also promotes the growth of biological contaminants.

Recommended indoor humidity levels should be 30% to 50%. If you feel there’s a problem with the humidity levels in your home, talk with an HVAC service technician and ask what indoor air quality solutions are available.

HVAC System Is Too Loud

A noisy HVAC system can disrupt your sleep, especially if you sleep lightly. If your system is making noises other than a dull humming sound, you need to have service technicians inspect it because this can mean that there are problems lurking that need your attention, such as a buildup of debris in your system or unaligned fan blades. Don’t ignore these problems or they may worsen and require expensive repairs.

To maintain good health, work with an HVAC professional to make certain your system is functioning optimally so it’s not a factor that disrupts your sleep. If you’re in the Adel, GA area, call Waller Heating & Air Conditioning for maintenance and repair services. We’ll work hard to maximize your comfort.

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