When Is a Heat Pump Replacement in Adel, GA, the Right Call?

Your heat pump will show several signs when it’s on its last legs. Recognizing the indicators of a failing heat pump allows you to replace the system early enough to avoid the frustrations of a malfunction. Here are some signs that show you need a heat pump replacement in Adel, GA:


If your heat pump turns on and off multiple times, it’s short-cycling. A short-cycling heat pump will never make your home comfortable, as it doesn’t take time to distribute the heated or cooled air evenly. Turning on and off multiple times also inflates your energy bill because a heat pump’s compressor consumes a lot of energy when starting.

One of the instances when short-cycling may occur is when you have an oversized heat pump. Therefore, allow our service technicians to determine your home’s temperature needs before you buy a new heat pump. We can help you choose a heat pump replacement that matches your indoor temperature needs.

Running Constantly

The only time your heat pump should run without taking breaks is when the temperatures are extremely high or low. A heat pump that runs constantly breaks down often because its parts are overworking. It also consumes more energy than usual.

If you have an undersized heat pump, it may run constantly, trying to meet your indoor temperature needs. Consider replacing it to enjoy improved energy efficiency and comfort.


An old heat pump will find it difficult to keep up with your temperature needs. This is because its parts have lost their efficiency over the years.

An old heat pump breaks down often, too, resulting in frequent downtimes and increased repair costs. Ideally, you should replace your heat pump every 10 years, as ENERGY STAR recommends.

Before you replace your system, contact our service technicians at Waller Heating & Air Conditioning for professional heat pump services. We will inspect your heat pump to determine whether it’s wise to replace it or service it with repairs to keep it running.

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